Tell us about the location for your SUNLOUNGER short story? A small village south of the Amalfi Coast in Italy.
Have your books featured any destinations? PUTTING OUT THE STARS featured San Francisco. All my other books are set in Ireland.
If you could live anywhere in the world… Ireland, where I live, because there is quite simply no place like it. I’ve lived in many other places – Africa, USA, Canada, France, Spain, UK – and nowhere comes close.
Destination you’ve returned to the most times? The Canary Islands because I love a bit of winter sun and they’re the most accessible destination from the west of Ireland.
Favourite cuisine from around the world? Italian – adore it. Greek a close second.
Holiday cocktail? All of them! (But if I had to choose, Mojito.)
What was your best holiday romance? A gorgeous man from Guernsey; we met on a tree-planting holiday in Spain. Sadly, our romance didn’t last much longer than the holiday.
And the worst? A Bulgarian lifeguard. He followed me back to the UK – I knew as soon as he walked into the arrivals hall at Heathrow that I’d made a huge mistake. Nightmare.