Tell us about the location you chose for SUNLOUNGER short story… Catalina Island off the southern California coast. I went there when I was younger and thought it would make a great setting for a story – this was the perfect opportunity!
Have your books featured any exotic destinations? TRUE LOVE WAY is set in Malibu and Napa in California.
If you could live anywhere in the world… I haven’t been everywhere, so it’s hard to know for sure if there’s somewhere better than where I am! If there is, I haven’t found it yet. I’m very happy living in the Los Angeles area. I’m a California girl!
Destination you’ve returned to the most times? Las Vegas, Nevada. It’s not that far from LA (about 5 hours drive) so we went there on family vacations almost every summer when I was growing up.
Favourite cuisine from around the world? Toasted ravioli (breaded, deep-fried ravioli). Originally created in St. Louis, Missouri. They’re amazing! If you get the chance, try them.
Favourite holiday cocktail? I don’t drink alcohol, so I’ll go with pink lemonade.