Ah cellulite; that orange peel, dimple-ridden skin that makes us look like we’ve been lying on a pebbled beach before we’ve even pulled down our trousers. Contrary to how you might feel, cellulite is not a curse. It has nothing to do with your weight or what you eat, it is simply caused by the loosening of muscle so by completing the following series of moves aimed at toning and firming targeted muscle groups, you’ll soon be strutting around like J-Lo or even Kylie!
(Of course we want the rest of your body looking beach-fabulous too so we’re also covering stomach and arms too! )
Tip 1: To get the full benefits of the below moves, do them until you start to feel the burn in your muscles. Don’t push yourself to the point where you can’t sit down on the toilet without wincing. Little and often is better.
Tip 2: Throughout the exercises, engage your core. This means suck in your stomach a la ‘George Clooney is heading this way and I need to look tall and skinny’. This will support your back and ensure you don’t pull anything you are not supposed to…except George Clooney should he really happen to walk by.
Tip 3: For best results, do these 7 moves in 7 minutes for *7 weeks!
Music = anything with a good beat around the pace of Olly Murs’ Dance With Me Tonight.
Bum work (3 minutes):
Move 1:
Move 2:
Move 3:
Repeat moves 1,2 and 3 on the opposite leg.
As the weeks go on, you will be able to repeat the sequence on the same leg for up to a maximum of three times.
Side leg and inside thigh (2 minutes):
Move 4 (side leg):
Move 5 (inside thigh):
Now turn over onto the other side and repeat moves 4 and 5 on the other leg.
Although not technically designed for banishing cellulite, the following two moves will target arms and stomach – firming up the muscles so that when you have that cocktail in hand, you only have to think about raising it to your lips without worrying about how you look while doing just that. The press ups will also help your breasts become a little more pert, if they are not fabulously pert already!
Arms (1 minute)
Move 6:
As the weeks go on, you will be able to repeat the sequence for up to a maximum of three times.
Stomach (1 minute)
Move 7:
A variation on the above is to allow your knees to touch the floor for extra support. You will still be working your core and you will still quiver if held for long enough.
So there we are you beautiful ladies, there is how to tone up your fabulous bodies in around *seven weeks, at seven minutes a time. Remember to keep hydrated and eat a balanced diet to aid your bikini-body MOT, which can incorporate wine and chocolate in moderation…happy sunlounging!
LAUREY BUCKLAND set her first SUNLOUNGER story – Divine Intervention - in Cambodia. Her SUNLOUNGER 2 story – Magic Eight - is set in Bruges.
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